빅데이터의 시대입니다. 예전에 로그는 파일에 쌓아났다가 에러났을때만 봤습니다.
하지만 이제 로그로도 유의미한 데이터를 분석하는게 가능해졌습니다.
🔥 그래서 클라우드 시대에는 로그도 분석하게 되었습니다.
1. 파일로 관리할 때 - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=jquery.js HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=debugger.js HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=console.png HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=ubuntu.ttf HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [03/Apr/2021 18:42:59] "GET /?__debugger__=yes&cmd=resource&f=console.png HTTP/1.1" 200 -
* Detected change in '/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/app.py', reloading
* Restarting with stat
pydev debugger: process 31805 is connecting
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 306-791-020
* Detected change in '/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/app.py', reloading
* Restarting with stat
pydev debugger: process 31859 is connecting
* Debugger is active!
* Debugger PIN: 306-791-020
* Detected change in '/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/app.py', reloading
* Restarting with stat
pydev debugger: process 31907 is connecting
File "/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 1801, in set
return self.execute_command('SET', *pieces)
File "/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/client.py", line 898, in execute_command
conn = self.connection or pool.get_connection(command_name, **options)
File "/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 1192, in get_connection
File "/Users/younghokwak/Desktop/sparta/allaboutaws/allaboutaws-backend/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/connection.py", line 563, in connect
raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e))
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error 60 connecting to redis-sparta.8imnfo.0001.apn2.cache.amazonaws.com:6379. Operation timed out.
2. 다양한 로그 분석 도구
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